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Family Life


  • When punished their punishments were severe

  • Older children went to school, but parents were responsible for most of their children's education

  • At age 4, children started to learn work skills and household chores

  • Codex drawings show children receving intructions

  • Girls were taught to spin thread from cotton or other plant fibers


  • It's a woman's job to grind maize into flour to make tortillas and tomales

  • They ran the home, raised the children, cooked, and made clothes (from dawn to sunset)

  • They were part of making the decision of their childrens' marriage 


  • Belonged to a local community organization or clan called calpulli

  • Most people lived in small, one room houses built of adobe or wattle plastered with mud

  • Lots of houses had little to know furniture

  • Families and Calpulli came together regularly to celebrate births, marriages religious ceremonies, and great national events

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